
Release Notes
Release Notes
Challenge Trade Policy Condition
December, 19

Stores can now verify user access conditions to a given trade policy thanks to the new Challenge Trade Policy Condition app.

What has changed

Previously, stores could specify business rules for a given sales channel through a trade policy, but not for users. This meant that it was not possible to directly control which users could access a particular trade policy and its content.

Now, trade policies can establish condition rules, meaning validation rules to check whether or not a user could in fact view their content. All made possible by the new Challenge Trade Policy Condition app.

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2852,"height":1240,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":325887,"url":""}}
In the image above, only users whose profiles were tagged as approved will be able to access the EUA trade policy.

Main advantages

The Challenge Trade Policy Condition ensures stores and their restricted content more privacy, better serving B2B stores' business policies.

What you need to do

You can find details related to the implementation and use of the Challenge Trade Policy Condition accessing the app's documentation.

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