
Release Notes
Release Notes
VTEX IO Closed Beta list
March, 16

As a closed beta solution, VTEX IO has a new workflow for platform development permissions: it is now required to submit a form with your project details to our product team.

What has changed

Previously, VTEX IO platform development permissions were granted by account.

The process was as follows: an account X would match the prerequisites needed to develop on the platform and get in touch with our support team which, according to the project, would grant access to the builders needed.

This concession is no longer granted by account. Instead, builder permissions will be linked to app majors.

This means that an account that want to develop on the platform will need to specify both the app and the major it intends to work on. The builder permissions will consequently be granted for that app's major, and not for the account itself.

Why we are doing this

The reason behind this change is mainly transparency.

As a team that has the platform's continuous evolution on their mind, we want to be able to identify what is being developed on VTEX IO, in order to improve the resilience and security of linking and deploying apps and to identify opportunities to natively serve recurrent use cases.

When looking at the previous process, this greater visibility was not possible, since the only data about what was being developed on the platform were the account name and builders to which it had access.

Side effects

This release does not affect any of the closed beta list accounts that are developing already published platform apps, only apps that weren't published yet.

Even if no permissions were requested for an app's major following the new workflow, VTEX IO CLI (during the linking or publishing process) will investigate whether the app's major in which the account is working on was already published.

If the app's major already has been published, it will then be automatically saved in the data base for the account in question which will effortlessly receive the necessary permissions (according to the new workflow for app's major) to seamlessly develop and continue to evolve its project.

However, if the app's major has never been published, the account will not be able to link or publish the app in which it is working on , making its development on the platform impossible.

What you need to do

If your development process was interrupted by the new Closed Beta list workflow, it means that the app's major you're working on was not yet published.

In such case, VTEX IO CLI won't be able to automatically grant your account permission to those app's major. You will then need to submit your project's details to our product team by filling out the form, specifying the app's major you wish to work on.

Our team will thus gain visibility over your project and will be able to analyze each project individually to ensure that the required permissions are granted.

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