
Release Notes
Release Notes
November, 25

The Breadcrumb component gained a series of key improvements, such as:

  • Two new CSS Handles (homeLink and termArrow).
  • Variations to the already existing Handles link and arrow, so that users can individually and independently customize each one.
  • Two new props (homeIconSize and caretIconSize).
  • In addition, all Handles pertaining to the component now make use of the new CSS Handles creation format.

Main advantages

Should I say more? The new props responsible for controlling the height and width values of Breadcrumb icons and all CSS Handle improvements make the component even more flexible to the customization wishes of the retailer.

What you need to do

In order for your Breadcrumb to be fully stocked with the above-mentioned features, ensure that it's running version 1.8.0 or higher.

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