
Release Notes
Release Notes
Product Summary
November, 11

The Product Summary component now has its own CSS Handles and blockClass.

CSS Handles are HTML element identifiers and can therefore be used to customize store components that use Product Summary by simply using CSS classes in the Store Theme's code.

The blockClass is a prop that functions as a block identifier within your code. When configured, it becomes possible to customize two Product Summary blocks individually

Main advantages

Without CSS Handles, Product Summary customization depended on CSS Selectors, which looked to a page's HTML structure when selecting an element.

This store customization practice, in addition to being vulnerable, will soon be deprecated. Therefore, launching the component's Handles is of strategic importance.

In addition, the blockClass allows retailers to experiment more with different customization for various Product Summary blocks.

What you need to do

Handles and blockClass can already be used in your store! Simply ensure that your store uses Product Summary version 2.43.2 or higher.

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