
Release Notes
Release Notes
User Identifier Extension
November, 10

The Login component just gained a new improvement: the User Identifier Extension. Through it, users can now log in using other user identifiers in your store, without these necessarily being their e-mails.

What has changed

Traditionally, the VTEX IO store's login form only accepted two inputs: e-mail (as user identifier) and password.

The User Identifier Extension now allows other user identifiers, apart from the e-mail, to also be used on the login form through an extension app. This extension app's function is to interpret the user identifier chosen on the login form and send the system the email that's linked to that user.

The login improvement doesn't handle the extension app's development. This is up to you, according to your store's desired user identifier. The User Identifier Extension merely supports the extension app.

Main advantages

With the User Identifier Extension, the login component gained more flexibility to serve various store scenarios and users. After an extension app is created to support this new feature, there's no need to request email addresses from users during login anymore: they will be able to use whatever user identifier you choose.

What you need to do

This Login component improvement is available from version 2.16.0.

:eyes: Do not forget to check out the Login component documentation to understand the new feature functionalities and limitations, in addition to seeing an example of an extension app for this scenario.

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