
Release Notes
Release Notes
URL field autofill
November, 10

The admin's Pages section now allows the URL field to autofill when creating a new page for your store.

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2860,"height":1560,"type":"gif","mime":"image/gif","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":505724,"url":""}}

What has changed

Previously, the system could not allow the text written in the Title field to be autofilled in the URL field, so the user had to manually type the desired path when creating a new page.

Main advantages

With the autofill feature, the URL field becomes more practical and useful for non-technical users mainly because it applies best SEO practices to the path's structure, such as eliminating capital letters from titles and the use of hyphens instead of spaces to separate words.

What you need to do

Make sure you store has the admin-pages app installed on version 4.12.6 or higher.

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