
Release Notes
Release Notes
Product Specification Badges
November, 10

The Product Specification Badges component aims to show badges in the Product page based on the product's specifications.

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":648,"height":668,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":150004,"url":""}}

In this example, the product’s specification was on sale.

Main advantages

The specifications allow more of store's SKU details to be displayed. Therefore, the new component enriches user navigation, giving users more visibility and knowledge about SKUs on sale.

What you need to do

Make sure you already have the product-specification-badge installed in your store.

:eyes: For more details regarding its implementation, do not forget to have a look at its documentation. Also, have a look at the Stack Layout documentation which this feature uses to function.

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