
Pixel Apps
Official extension
Version: 1.3.0
Latest version: 2.4.1

This page is about version 1.3.0 of the app, which is not the most recent version. The latest stable version is 2.4.1.

This app provides pixel integration for Listrak metrics and cart abandonment functionality, and provides related routes and blocks for use in an account's store-theme.


  1. Install the listrak-pixel app in the desired account;
  2. In the account's admin, access Apps > My Apps and then select the Listrak box;
  3. Once in the app's page, define the app’s configurations in the Setup section:
  • Merchant ID: Input your Listrak Merchant ID here.

  • Subscription Point ID: Input your Subscribe ID of the email Subscription Point from your Listrak account.

  • Subscription Form IDs: To capture a shoppers opt-in to an email subscription, enter the field IDs associated with the subscription form email input and submit button. Enter both IDs separated with commas and no spaces like emailInputId,submitButtonId. If the Newsletter block from the is used, no entry is necessary.

  • Email Input Field IDs: Listrak's cart abandonment feature works in part by capturing email addresses when shoppers type them into certain fields. These field IDs can be specified here, separated with commas and no spaces like emailField1,emailField2.

  • Preference Center Name: This app creates a new store route with the path /preference-center which displays the Listrak Preference Center. Referencing your Listrak Preference Center integration instructions, input the value for the data-ltk-prefcenter attribute of the Preference Center div here.

(Optional) On-Site Recommendation Integration Block

To use this optional block in your store-theme, you must add the Listrak app to your store-theme's dependencies in manifest.json:

"dependencies": {
"vtex.listrak-pixel": "1.x"

Then you may use this block in your layouts:

  • "listrak-recommendations": The Listrak app provides this block which is designed to be added to the product page (store.product). It renders Listrak's On-Site Recommendations product shelf. The block takes two props:
Prop nameTypeDescription
merchandiseBlockIdStringThe Merchandise Block ID from Listrak's admin. Default: ''
templateHTMLStringThe HTML template for the recommender from Listrak's admin. Default: ''

:warning: Both props must be filled for the component to render.

Example - Listrak provides sample template code that looks like this:

style="width:100%; padding:40px 0;"
<script type="text/html">
<div style="box-sizing:border-box; vertical-align:top; display:inline-block; width:25%; padding:20px;">
<a href="@Recommendation.LinkUrl"><img src="@Recommendation.ImageUrl" title="@Recommendation.Title" style="display:block; width:auto; height: 100%; max-height:200px; margin:auto;"/></a>
<a href="@Recommendation.LinkUrl" title="@Recommendation.Title" style="display:block; width:100%; font-family:Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 500; color:#333;text-decoration:none; text-align:center; padding-top:8px;">@Recommendation.Title</a>
<a href="@Recommendation.LinkUrl" title="@Recommendation.Title" style="display:block; width:100%; font-family:Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 700; color:#d43e3e; text-decoration:none; text-align:center; padding-top:8px;">$@Recommendation.Price</a>

In this case, your block's props would look like this:

"listrak-recommendations#example": {
"props": {
"merchandiseBlockId": "sample-merchandise-block-id",
"templateHTML": "<div style='box-sizing:border-box; vertical-align:top; display:inline-block; width:25%; padding:20px;'><a href='@(window.location.origin + Recommendation.LinkUrl)'><img src='@Recommendation.ImageUrl' title='@Recommendation.Title' style='display:block; width:auto; height: 100%; max-height:200px; margin:auto;'/></a><a href='@(window.location.origin + Recommendation.LinkUrl)' title='@Recommendation.Title' style='display:block; width:100%; font-family:Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 500; color:#333;text-decoration:none; text-align:center; padding-top:8px;'>@Recommendation.Title</a><a href='@(window.location.origin + Recommendation.LinkUrl)' title='@Recommendation.Title' style='display:block; width:100%; font-family:Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 700; color:#d43e3e; text-decoration:none; text-align:center; padding-top:8px;'>$@Recommendation.Price</a></div>"

:warning: Note that the HTML has all been combined into a single line, and double quotes " replaced with single quotes '.

:warning: Also note that each @Recommendation.LinkUrl has been replaced with @(window.location.origin + Recommendation.LinkUrl). This is because the LinkUrl stored for each product in Listrak is a relative URL. ImageUrl does NOT need this same treatment because each ImageUrl is already an absolute URL.

Checkout Integration

To finalize a Listrak integration, custom JS code must be added to checkout in the checkout6-custom.js file:

// Listrak
$(document).ready(function() {
var prevItems = []
$(window).on('orderFormUpdated.vtex', function(evt, orderForm) {
;(function() {
if (typeof _ltk == 'object') {
} else {
;(function(d) {
if (document.addEventListener)
document.addEventListener('ltkAsyncListener', d)
else {
e = document.documentElement
e.ltkAsyncProperty = 0
e.attachEvent('onpropertychange', function(e) {
if (e.propertyName == 'ltkAsyncProperty') {
})(function() {
function ltkCode() {
_ltk_util.ready(function() {
if (JSON.stringify(orderForm.items) != JSON.stringify(prevItems)) {
if (orderForm.items.length > 0) {
orderForm.items.forEach(item => {
(item.price / 100).toString(),
} else {
prevItems = orderForm.items
var biJsHost = 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://'
;(function(d, s, id, tid, vid) {
var js,
ljs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]
if (d.getElementById(id)) return
js = d.createElement(s)
_62 = id
js.src =
biJsHost + '' + tid + '&v=' + vid
ljs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ljs)
})(document, 'script', 'ltkSDK', 'LISTRAK-MERCHANT-ID', '1')
// end Listrak

:warning: Make sure to replace 'LISTRAK-MERCHANT-ID' in the second-to-last line with your Listrak Merchant ID. No other customizations are needed.

See also
VTEX App Store